====== Atlas Settings ====== ---- ===== Layout===== === Merge atlases === When enabled, the billboards will be placed in the texture atlas rather than in a separate billboard atlas texture. This property is also mirrored by the "Merge" option in the atlas view toolbar. === Texture atlas size === Minimum size of the combined texture and billboard atlas. It may need to expand to fit all of the textures. === Algorithm === Choice of layout algorithm for the texture atlas between one that works better for similarly-sized textures and one that works better for textures of various size. === Billboards : Atlas size === Size of the billboard atlas. === Billboards : Algorithm === Choice of layout algorithm for the billboard atlas between one that works better for similarly-sized textures and one that works better for textures of various size. === Billboards : Use extra space === When enabled, smaller billboards will be scaled up to use any wasted space in the atlas. This is an iterative process, so it may increase layout time. === Billboards : Reset tree scalars === When pressed, every tree in the atlas will have its billboard size scalar reset to zero. ---- ===== Background ===== === Diffuse === The background color for the diffuse layer of the texture/billboard atlas === Normal === The background color for the normal layer of the texture/billboard atlas === Specular === The background color for the specular layer of the texture atlas ---- ===== Random Seeds ===== === Texture === The texture layout algorithm has a measure of randomness to it. If a layout does not seem optimal, try modifying the seed to get different results. This seed is used for the texture atlas. === Billboard === The texture layout algorithm has a measure of randomness to it. If a layout does not seem optimal, try modifying the seed to get different results. This seed is used for the billboard atlas, if created. ---- ===== Compile ===== === Summary === Show the summary dialog for this atlas. The summary dialog includes all tree, material, texture, etc. information that will be processed during compilation.