====== Atlas Texture Settings ====== ---- ===== Size ===== === Scale : X === Scales this texture in the X direction. This is done before any rotation caused by layout. === Scale : Y === Scales this texture in the Y direction. This is done before any rotation caused by layout. === Scale : Uniform === Scales this texture down uniformly (both x and y). === Scale : Reset === Reset X, Y, and Uniform scales to 1.0. === Inner Scale === Scales this texture down while leaving its original confines. This can be useful for eliminating texture bleeding. === Outer margin (pixels) === Adds a border (in pixels) to this texture. This can be useful for eliminating texture bleeding. ---- ===== Diffuse Scalars ===== === Saturation === Scalar for this texture's saturation === Contrast === Scalar for this texture's contrast === Brightness === Scalar for this texture's brightness === Alpha === Scalar for this texture's alpha channel ---- ===== Normal Map ===== === Invert Green === Flips the green channel of this normal map. There is a similar option on the "Textures" group that will flip the green channel on all normal maps. ---- ===== Texture Maps ===== === Diffuse === The diffuse texture on disk. === Normal === The normal texture on disk. === Specular/Transmission === The specular/transmission texture on disk. ---- ===== Tree ===== === Go to tree === Unselect everything and select the tree to which this billboard texture corresponds. ---- ===== Billboards ===== === Size scalar === Mirrors the tree's billboard size scalar property. === Ambient contribution === Mirrors the tree's ambient contribution property.