====== Control Point ====== An arbitrary number of sphere and capsule collision objects can be added to a tree. The transforms of these objects can be accessed via the SpeedTree SDK and fed to a collision detection system. ===== Select ===== ==== Next ==== Selects the next control point on the spline. //(Function)// ==== Previous ==== Selects the previous control point on the spline. //(Function)// ==== To End ==== Selects all of the subsequent control points until the end of the spline is reached. //(Function)// ^ Use the ALT key modifier while selecting points to automatically select all subsequent controls points. ^|| ==== Grow ==== Grows the current selection by two control points per contiguous chain. //(Function)// ==== Shrink ==== Shrinks the current selection by two control points per contiguous chain. //(Function)// \\ \\ ---- ===== Add Control Point ===== ==== After ==== Adds a control point equidistant between the selected control point and the next control point. //(Function)// ==== Before ==== Adds a control point equidistant between the selected control point and the previous control point. //(Function)// \\ \\ ---- ===== Transform ===== ==== Translation: X, Y, & Z ==== The position of the control point along each axis. //(Float)// ==== Reset Translation ==== Sets the control point back to the default position [0, 0, 0]. //(Function)// ==== Rotation: Axis: X, Y, & Z ==== The 'X','Y', and 'Z' components of the Rotation: Angle. //(Percentage)// ==== Rotation: Angle ==== The amount of rotation around the rotation angle. //(Degrees)// ==== Reset Rotation ==== Sets the control point back to the default angle [0, 0, 1, 90]. //(Function)// \\