====== Version 6.1 (Beta) ====== Release Notes The biggest change for version 6.1 was the addition of deferred rendering support. That is, integrating SpeedTree into a deferred rendering system will be much easier with the new shader templates & asset compilation path. ---- ===== General Notes ===== 1. Support for deferred rendering added. The Compiler application will export shaders for use with deferred rendering and the Reference Application runs with an example implementation. * CMultiRenderTargetsRI and CRenderTargetRI classes added to abstract platform render target systems. 2. Improved internal profiling, particularly in the culling & LOD functions. 3. Added ST_INLINE macro to issue more forceful inline directives. 4. Added feature in CView::Set() help combat sudden leaf card over-the-pole flipping. 5. Added more documentation about the shader system in general, including the new deferred features. ---- ===== Bug Fixes and Performance ==== * Several alternate coordinate system issues fixed. * Improved memory usage when dealing with large instance counts. * Eliminated depth-fighting in billboard geometry when wind is enabled. * Several PIX warnings removed for all DirectX builds. * All page titles in documentation now correct. * Wind effects would sometimes be lost in billboard shaders. ---- ===== Reference Application Changes ===== 1. Overlay system added. 2. Deferred rendering support added (as of the beta release, this was done for DX9/10/11, and PS3, with Xbox 360, PS Vita, and OpenGL remaining). 3. SupportingData/ folder added in the Forests/ section. It contains files common to multiple forests, as well as misc shaders like the overlay and deferred lighting. 4. Added FullscreenQuad.h/cpp, used in the deferred rendering system. 5. SFC file changed: * "render" block replaced by "forward_render" and "deferred_render". Deferred render block includes directives for specifying lighting and other pass shaders. * Overlay support added. *Added surface_adhesion value for each grass type.