Atlas Settings


Merge atlases

When enabled, the billboards will be placed in the texture atlas rather than in a separate billboard atlas texture. This property is also mirrored by the “Merge” option in the atlas view toolbar.

Texture atlas size

Minimum size of the combined texture and billboard atlas. It may need to expand to fit all of the textures.


Choice of layout algorithm for the texture atlas between one that works better for similarly-sized textures and one that works better for textures of various size.

Billboards : Atlas size

Size of the billboard atlas.

Billboards : Algorithm

Choice of layout algorithm for the billboard atlas between one that works better for similarly-sized textures and one that works better for textures of various size.

Billboards : Use extra space

When enabled, smaller billboards will be scaled up to use any wasted space in the atlas. This is an iterative process, so it may increase layout time.

Billboards : Reset tree scalars

When pressed, every tree in the atlas will have its billboard size scalar reset to zero.



The background color for the diffuse layer of the texture/billboard atlas


The background color for the normal layer of the texture/billboard atlas


The background color for the specular layer of the texture atlas

Random Seeds


The texture layout algorithm has a measure of randomness to it. If a layout does not seem optimal, try modifying the seed to get different results. This seed is used for the texture atlas.


The texture layout algorithm has a measure of randomness to it. If a layout does not seem optimal, try modifying the seed to get different results. This seed is used for the billboard atlas, if created.



Show the summary dialog for this atlas. The summary dialog includes all tree, material, texture, etc. information that will be processed during compilation.