Control Point

An arbitrary number of sphere and capsule collision objects can be added to a tree. The transforms of these objects can be accessed via the SpeedTree SDK and fed to a collision detection system.



Selects the next control point on the spline. (Function)


Selects the previous control point on the spline. (Function)

To End

Selects all of the subsequent control points until the end of the spline is reached. (Function)

Use the ALT key modifier while selecting points to automatically select all subsequent controls points.


Grows the current selection by two control points per contiguous chain. (Function)


Shrinks the current selection by two control points per contiguous chain. (Function)

Add Control Point


Adds a control point equidistant between the selected control point and the next control point. (Function)


Adds a control point equidistant between the selected control point and the previous control point. (Function)


Translation: X, Y, & Z

The position of the control point along each axis. (Float)

Reset Translation

Sets the control point back to the default position [0, 0, 0]. (Function)

Rotation: Axis: X, Y, & Z

The 'X','Y', and 'Z' components of the Rotation: Angle. (Percentage)

Rotation: Angle

The amount of rotation around the rotation angle. (Degrees)

Reset Rotation

Sets the control point back to the default angle [0, 0, 1, 90]. (Function)