Vertex Declarations

The following example vertex declaration (HLSL/Cg syntax) is used as a reference to define a series of terms the SDK uses to define supporting data types used in the vertex data accessing functions and classes:

// example vertex declaration, HLSL/Cg syntax
struct SVertexDecl
    float3  vSlot0 : POSITION;    // xyz =
    float4  vSlot1 : TEXCOORD0;   // xy = diffuse texcoords, z = amb occ, w = normal.z


Structure SVertexDecl

The structure SVertexDecl is declared in Core.h and defined in the Core library. Each render state for a given tree defines a single SVertexDecl vertex declaration, which contains a complete vertex declaration organized in a way that makes it easy to access by attribute or by property. To explore the definition by attribute, access the SVertexDecl::m_asAttributes array as in the following example:

//  VertexDecl_ByAttribute
void VertexDecl_ByAttribute(void)
    const char* pFilename = "";
    CCore* pTree = Internal_LoadSrtFile(pFilename);
    if (pTree)
        const SGeometry* pGeometry = pTree->GetGeometry( );
        if (pGeometry->m_nNum3dRenderStates > 0)
            // grab the first render state to use for example
            const SVertexDecl& sDecl = pGeometry->m_p3dRenderStates[SHADER_PASS_LIT][0].m_sVertexDecl;
            for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_ATTRIB_COUNT; ++i)
                const SVertexDecl::SAttribute& sAttrib = sDecl.m_asAttributes[i];
                if (sAttrib.IsUsed( ))
                    printf("%s in use:\n", SVertexDecl::AttributeName(i));
                    printf("  Num components: %d\n", sAttrib.NumUsedComponents( ));
                    printf("  Format: %s\n", SVertexDecl::FormatName(sAttrib.m_eFormat));
                    // print per-componenet info
                    const char* c_apCompNames[ ] = { "x", "y", "z", "w" };
                    for (int j = 0; j < sAttrib.NumUsedComponents( ); ++j)
                        printf("  [%s.%s], ", SVertexDecl::AttributeName(i), c_apCompNames[j]);
                        printf("byte offset %d, ", sAttrib.m_auiVertexOffsets[j]);
                        printf("holds [%s.%s]\n",
        Error("Failed to load [%s]: %s\n", pFilename, CCore::GetError( ));

Note that in the output of this example, you may see some “pad.x” entries, which is simply padding the unused parts of some attributes.

To explore the definition by property, access the SVertexDecl::m_asProperties array as in this example:

//  VertexDecl_ByProperty
void VertexDecl_ByProperty(void)
    const char* pFilename = "";
    CCore* pTree = Internal_LoadSrtFile(pFilename);
    if (pTree)
        const SGeometry* pGeometry = pTree->GetGeometry( );
        if (pGeometry && pGeometry->m_nNum3dRenderStates > 0)
            // grab the first render state to use for example
            const SVertexDecl& sDecl = pGeometry->m_p3dRenderStates[SHADER_PASS_LIT][0].m_sVertexDecl;
            for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_PROPERTY_COUNT; ++i)
                const SVertexDecl::SProperty& sProp = sDecl.m_asProperties[i];
                if (sProp.IsPresent( ))
                    printf("[%s]\n", SVertexDecl::PropertyName(i));
                    printf("  uses %d %s%s\n", 
                        sProp.NumComponents( ),
                        sProp.NumComponents( ) > 1 ? "s" : "");
                    const char* c_apCompNames[ ] = { "x", "y", "z", "w" };
                    for (int j = 0; j < sProp.NumComponents( ); ++j)
                        printf("  [%s.%s] stored in [%s.%s]\n",
        Error("Failed to load [%s]: %s\n", pFilename, CCore::GetError( ));