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Example Code

The easiest way to access vertex data that's been compiled in 5.x mode is to declare static structures for each geometry type and typecast away from the void* representing the compiled data (but the SDrawCall::GetProperty() functions will still work also). The section below details the vertex declarations the Compiler application generates for each geometry type.

Static Vertex Declarations

These are the recommended vertex declarations to use for accessing 5.x-compiled vertex data. Note that vertex data is always stored as full 32-bit floats in this mode.

//  Structure S5xBranchVertex
//	Compiler output of format in 5.x compatibility mode
//	  ATTR0 [ posi.x(0) posi.y(4) posi.z(8) texd.x(12) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR1 [ norm.x(16) norm.y(20) norm.z(24) texd.y(28) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR2 [ hint.x(32) texl.x(36) texl.y(40) aocc.x(44) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR3 [ tang.x(48) tang.y(52) tang.z(56) bsdt.x(60) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR4 [ bsdf.x(64) bsdf.y(68) bsdf.z(72) bsdt.y(76) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR5 [ lodp.x(80) lodp.y(84) lodp.z(88) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR6 [ wbrn.x(92) wbrn.y(96) wbrn.z(100) wbrn.w(104) ] (32-bit floats) 
struct S5xBranchVertex
	// attr0
	st_float32	m_afPos[3];
	st_float32	m_fDiffuseTexCoordU;
	// attr1
	st_float32	m_afNormal[3];
	st_float32	m_fDiffuseTexCoordV;
	// attr2
	st_float32	m_fGeometryTypeHint;
	st_float32	m_fDetailTexCoordU;
	st_float32	m_fDetailTexCoordV;
	st_float32	m_fAmbientOcclusion;
	// attr3
	st_float32	m_afTangent[3];
	st_float32	m_fBranchSeamDetailTexCoordU;
	// attr4
	st_float32	m_fBranchSeamDiffuseTexCoordU;
	st_float32	m_fBranchSeamDiffuseTexCoordV;
	st_float32	m_fBranchSeamBlendWeight;
	st_float32	m_fBranchSeamDetailTexCoordV;
	// attr5
	st_float32	m_afLodPos[3];
	// attr6
	st_float32	m_afBranchWindData[4];
//  Structure S5xFrondAndCapVertex
//	Compiler output of format in 5.x compatibility mode
//	  ATTR0 [ posi.x(0) posi.y(4) posi.z(8) texd.x(12) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR1 [ norm.x(16) norm.y(20) norm.z(24) texd.y(28) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR2 [ hint.x(32) tang.x(36) tang.y(40) tang.z(44) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR3 [ aocc.x(48) lodp.x(52) lodp.y(56) lodp.z(60) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR4 [ wbrn.x(64) wbrn.y(68) wbrn.z(72) wbrn.w(76) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR5 [ wext.x(80) wext.y(84) wext.z(88) ] (32-bit floats) 
struct S5xFrondAndCapVertex
	// attr0
	st_float32	m_afPos[3];
	st_float32	m_fDiffuseTexCoordU;
	// attr1
	st_float32	m_afNormal[3];
	st_float32	m_fDiffuseTexCoordV;
	// attr2
	st_float32	m_fGeometryTypeHint;
	st_float32	m_afTangent[3];
	// attr3
	st_float32	m_fAmbientOcclusion;
	st_float32	m_afLodPos[3];
	// attr4
	st_float32	m_afBranchWindData[4];
	// attr5
	st_float32	m_afExtendedWindData[3];
//  Structure S5xLeafVertex
//	Compiler output of format in 5.x compatibility mode
//	  ATTR0 [ posi.x(0) posi.y(4) posi.z(8) texd.x(12) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR1 [ norm.x(16) norm.y(20) norm.z(24) texd.y(28) ] (32-bit floats)  
//	  ATTR2 [ hint.x(32) tang.x(36) tang.y(40) tang.z(44) ] (32-bit floats)  
//	  ATTR3 [ aocc.x(48) lodp.x(52) lodp.y(56) lodp.z(60) ] (32-bit floats)  
//	  ATTR4 [ wbrn.x(64) wbrn.y(68) wbrn.z(72) wbrn.w(76) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR5 [ lanc.x(80) lanc.y(84) lanc.z(88) wflg.x(92) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR6 [ wext.x(96) wext.y(100) wext.z(104) ] (32-bit floats) 
struct S5xLeafVertex
	// attr0
	st_float32	m_afPos[3];
	st_float32	m_fDiffuseTexCoordU;
	// attr1
	st_float32	m_afNormal[3];
	st_float32	m_fDiffuseTexCoordV;
	// attr2
	st_float32	m_fGeometryTypeHint;
	st_float32	m_afTangent[3];
	// attr3
	st_float32	m_fAmbientOcclusion;
	st_float32	m_afLodPos[3];
	// attr4
	st_float32	m_afLeafAnchorPoint[3];
	st_float32	m_fWindFlag;
	// attr5
	st_float32	m_afBranchWindData[4];
	// attr6
	st_float32	m_afExtendedWindData[3];
//  Structure S5xFacingLeafVertex
//	Compiler output of format in 5.x compatibility mode
//	  ATTR0 [ posi.x(0) posi.y(4) posi.z(8) texd.x(12) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR1 [ norm.x(16) norm.y(20) norm.z(24) texd.y(28) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR2 [ hint.x(32) tang.x(36) tang.y(40) tang.z(44) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR3 [ aocc.x(48) lfcc.x(52) lfcc.y(56) lfcc.z(60) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR4 [ wbrn.x(64) wbrn.y(68) wbrn.z(72) wbrn.w(76) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR5 [ wflg.x(80) lfcc.x(84) lfcc.y(88) lfcc.z(92) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR6 [ lfls.x(96) lfso.x(100) ] (32-bit floats) 
struct S5xFacingLeafVertex
	// attr0
	st_float32	m_afPos[3];
	st_float32	m_fDiffuseTexCoordU;
	// attr1
	st_float32	m_afNormal[3];
	st_float32	m_fDiffuseTexCoordV;
	// attr2
	st_float32	m_fGeometryTypeHint;
	st_float32	m_afTangent[3];
	// attr3
	st_float32	m_fAmbientOcclusion;
	st_float32	m_afCorner[3];
	// attr4
	st_float32	m_afBranchWindData[4];
	// attr5
	st_float32	m_fWindFlag;
	st_float32	m_afLeafCardCorner[3];
	// attr6
	st_float32	m_fLodScalar;
	st_float32	m_fSelfShadowOffset;
//  Structure S5xRigidMeshes
//	Compiler output of format in 5.x compatibility mode
//	  ATTR0 [ posi.x(0) posi.y(4) posi.z(8) texd.x(12) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR1 [ norm.x(16) norm.y(20) norm.z(24) texd.y(28) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR2 [ hint.x(32) tang.x(36) tang.y(40) tang.z(44) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR3 [ aocc.x(48) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR4 [ wbrn.x(52) wbrn.y(56) wbrn.z(60) wbrn.w(64) ] (32-bit floats) 
struct S5xRigidMeshes
	// attr0
	st_float32	m_afPos[3];
	st_float32	m_fDiffuseTexCoordU;
	// attr1
	st_float32	m_afNormal[3];
	st_float32	m_fDiffuseTexCoordV;
	// attr2
	st_float32	m_fGeometryTypeHint;
	st_float32	m_afTangent[3];
	// attr3
	st_float32	m_fAmbientOcclusion;
	// attr4
	st_float32	m_afBranchWindData[4];
//  Structure S5xGrass
//	Compiler output of format in 5.x compatibility mode
//	  ATTR0 [ posi.x(0) posi.y(4) posi.z(8) texd.x(12) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR1 [ norm.x(16) norm.y(20) norm.z(24) texd.y(28) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR2 [ hint.x(32) tang.x(36) tang.y(40) tang.z(44) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR3 [ aocc.x(48) lanc.x(52) lanc.y(56) lanc.z(60) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR4 [ wbrn.x(64) wbrn.y(68) wbrn.z(72) wbrn.w(76) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR5 [ wext.x(80) wext.y(84) wext.z(88) wflg.x(92) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR6 [ lfcc.x(96) lfcc.y(100) lfcc.z(104) lfls.x(108) ] (32-bit floats) 
//	  ATTR7 [ lfso.x(112) ] (32-bit floats) 
struct S5xGrass
	// attr0
	st_float32	m_afPos[3];
	st_float32	m_fDiffuseTexCoordU;
	// attr1
	st_float32	m_afNormal[3];
	st_float32	m_fDiffuseTexCoordV;
	// attr2
	st_float32	m_fGeometryTypeHint;
	st_float32	m_afTangent[3];
	// attr3
	st_float32	m_fAmbientOcclusion;
	st_float32	m_afLeafAnchorPoint[3];
	// attr4
	st_float32	m_afBranchWindData[4];
	// attr5
	st_float32	m_afExtendedWindData[3];
	st_float32	m_fWindFlag;
	// attr6
	st_float32	m_afLeafCardCorner[3];
	st_float32	m_fLodScalar;
	// attr7
	st_float32	m_fSelfShadowOffset;

Example Vertex Access

The following example loads an arbitrary SRT model and prints the position values of the branch vertices using a static vertex branch declaration. Note that within the second for-loop, the code checks that 5.x mode is active and that the geometry type is branches. If frond geometry, for example, were accessed using the branch vertex structure, things would explode mightily.

Note: While accessing 5.x-compiled data using static vertex declarations is certainly convenient, there's no reason SDrawCall::GetProperty() couldn't be used alternatively.
//  Accessing5xVertexData
void Accessing5xVertexData(void)
    const char* pFilename = EXAMPLE_TREE1;
    // load SRT file
    CCore* pTree = Internal_LoadSrtFile(pFilename);
    if (pTree)
        // access tree's geometry
        const SGeometry* pGeometry = pTree->GetGeometry( );
        // each tree may have multiple LOD levels
        for (int i = 0; i < pGeometry->m_nNumLods; ++i)
            const SLod& sLod = pGeometry->m_pLods[i];
            // each LOD has a number of "draw calls" which is simply a set
            // of geometries that share the same material/render state
            for (int j = 0; j < sLod.m_nNumDrawCalls; ++j)
                const SDrawCall& sDrawCall = sLod.m_pDrawCalls[j];
                // examine render state to make sure 5.x mode was used and 
                // that it has branch geometry (just for this example)
                if (sDrawCall.m_pRenderState->Is5xModeActive( ) &&
                    // access as raw byte pointer
                    const st_byte* pRawVertexData = static_cast(sDrawCall.m_pVertexData);
                    // cast to static branch vertex struct
                    const S5xBranchVertex* pVertices = reinterpret_cast(pRawVertexData);
                    for (int k = 0; k < sDrawCall.m_nNumVertices; ++k)
                        printf("pos: (%g, %g, %g)\n", 
                            pVertices[k].m_afPos[0], pVertices[k].m_afPos[1], pVertices[k].m_afPos[2]);